No Tempo de
[Back in Time]
… is a performance of rhythms, akin to our lives.

“Poetry is an awareness of the world” Andrei Tarkovski

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A Boa Sentença do Sultão
[The Sultan's Good Judgement]
Version by Ildeberto Gama, based on Contos para a Infância by Guerra Junqueiro, Typographia Universal edition, Lisbon, 1877.
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King Kong - Quem é o monstro?
[King Kong - Who is the Monster?]
Puppet theatre dates back to ancient times, and probably emerged as a response to the needs of primitive man.
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This laboratory, which is always open to be explored and to address the need to find new narratives, is becoming the hallmark of our work.
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Alma d'Arame

About us

We believe that art transforms life. The transformative effect that art can have on people and on society creates the hope that each one of us has the individual power to effect change. We strive to nurture this hope. In 2006, we formed a cultural association that is guided by artistic creation, cultural programming, training, and collaboration with local organisations in the form of community projects.

Where we are

We are located in the Alentejo town of Montemor-o-Novo, in Portugal. We endeavour to intervene in outlying areas of major programming routes, promoting access to culture and the arts, thus increasing social accessibility..

What we do

We help promote the performing arts focusing on theatre, more specifically puppet theatre. Since 2008, we have hosted and produced the International Puppet Festival. In parallel, and every year, we début one or two of our own productions. The cultural projects, primarily by engaging with the school and senior’s community, are the ultimate pillar of our public intervention.

Our goal

To enhance the heritage of the traditional and modern puppet and promote a culture with a shared language that ties tradition and modernity together. And to help empower people and the society they are a part of, fostering values of equality, justice, freedom, full citizenship, humanism and peace.


Last News

Solitária is headed to Trondheim!

Hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, the 50th International Conference on Live Interfaces (ICLI 2020) is a biennial conference that brings together people who work with live interfaces in the performance arts

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